3 Ways to Create More Space in Your Life

Feeling stuck or overwhelmed? Maybe you have a million goals for 2023, but you don’t know where to start.One of my favorite ways to get focused is to create new space in my life, f or all the goals and dreams to have space to arrive.

Here are my 3 favorite ways to declutter my life so that joy can spark through again!

1.Look around your environment

Start with the things in your life. This is usually the easiest place to start. Start with clearing your old clothes, get rid of the strange knick-knacks, organize the papers that have accumulated. You get the point! Get rid of stuff and clean up your space. A happy home is a happy life.

2.Social Media

Mute the people that trigger you or no longer serve you. This is important to curate your social media so that it is not constantly triggering you. Make sure to leave groups on Facebook that no longer serve you too.

3. Your schedule

Clear your schedule! Cancel things that you don’t want to do! If you don’t want to hang out with that friend, cancel it. If you don’t want to continue to go to that boring social group, don’t! RSVP “no” and move on! TIME is the only resource you can never get back so own your time!

Cleansing and clearing is a wonderful ritual to deal with being stuck or overwhelmed. If you are feeling overwhelmed by this article, just take one step at a time. Pinpoint which is the biggest issue and start there!

Once you start clearing and feeling free, that will be your motivation to keep going. Need some extra help? Sign up for a free discovery call with me here to see how we can sort your life out!

Here’s to all the new energy coming your way!


“Your worth is never on the table.”


5 things to leave behind in 2022 - Mom Edition