5 things to leave behind in 2022 - Mom Edition

I am seeing a new type of Doman Mom emerge lately. I am seeing women who not only do an incredible Doman Program but are also taking care of themselves. They put their own needs on their priority list. This is a true paradigm shift from the way it use to be. I use to have mothers who forgot to eat all day and now I have moms coming to me because they feel ‘okay’ but they are ready to feel great!

Now if you are thinking, I am still that mom who doesn’t take care of herself, don’t worry! I am here to support you!

Here are 5 things that Doman Moms are leaving in 2022, so they can thrive in 2023!

  1. Shame ~ Nothing is worse than shame wrapped around having a kid with special needs. Feeling like you are the problem is probably one of the worse mentalities mothers can have. Often, shame is not so obvious either, many mothers think they don’t have shame but I still see them hiding from society or trying to control the way everyone sees their children. This is often a really tough but meaningful conversation that we have in our support groups.

  2. Guilt ~ Sometimes I have wondered if guilt is a part of motherhood becuase it’s so common. But the massive amount of guilt that many mothers have usually stops them from actually doing all they can. It’s debilitating. Allowing yourself to be free from the huge amount of guilt could not only change your life but greatly effect your child’s program. The worst is when you start to feel guilt about your guilt, am I right?

  3. Fad diets ~ STOP. Please stop. Your body needs nutrients and the worse thing you can do is put it on some crazy fad diet that makes it weaker. You need strength.

  4. Putting others needs above your own or your child’s needs ~ What do I mean by this? I mean when you know something is wrong for you or your child but you do it anyway. I think the most famous one is allowing people to give your child junk food when you know its going to hurt them and make your evening miserable just becuase you don’t want to say “no.”

  5. Not asking for help ~ seriously, ask for help! You don’t need to do this alone. Have your older kids pitch in, make sure dad’s are involved and find someone who can help you where you need it. Mother’s were never meant to do this alone, we are tribal creatures and need to gather our tribe around us. Mother’s who seek support like coaching or other mentors, not only have more successful programs, but they feel better while they do it.

Want to discuss any of these points with me further? Respond to this email!


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